Loss, Risk and Point Summaries of Posterior Distributions

For a while, I’ve been thinking about the deployment of predictive algorithms in clinical decision support. Specifically, about the difference between what we understand about a model’s performance from the publication describing it and how this might be less informative when deployed. In short: what is the value of knowing that a model has good balanced accuracy or a high area under the ROC curve when sat with a patient and using the tool to make a clinical decision.

Frequently in medical applications of machine learning we see summary measures of performance used to demonstrate the competence of the model typically reported as sensitivities, specificities, balanced accuracy, area under the ROC curve and so on. These measures assume that for an input \(x\) (a patient) we get an output \(Y = F(x)\) representing for example, “negative” or “positive” caseness.

If the system \(F\) is designed to classify patients, then it will deliver discrete ‘yes / no’ answers e.g. \(Y \in \{0,1\}\); canonical examples include the support-vector machine (SVM). Baked-into these algorithms is a decision rule operating over a continuous value; in SVMs, for example, the decision rule classifies each patient by dichotomising the signed distance of \(x\) from the class-seperating hyperplane. If using a classifier makes sense in the context of it’s clinical deployment you might want the algorithm to report a definitive dichotomised answer and summary measures like sensitivity and specificity (perhaps) make sense.

Compare this with logistic regression (often used as if it were a classifier) where the purpose is to estimate the probability of an event, i.e. that a patient is positive or negative. Often in these cases, the decision rule is ‘bolted on’ and that’s when people invoke ROC curves and compute accuracies at an operating threshold that maximises the trade-off between sensitivity and specificity e.g. by maximising Youden’s J-statistic. It’s here that the decision rule and it’s deployment context matter.

It seems to me that patients and clinicians would probably want more information than a pure classifier provides and most likely would prefer to know the actual continuous score – the “output”" of \(F(x)\).

Further, a patient and clinician might want to understand the decision rule and it’s assumptions. For example, assume for a deployed predictive model \(F\) and a new patient, \(F(x) = 0.79\) and this represents (or is proportional to) the likelihood of being a positive case. The predictive model being deployed has an operating threshold of \(0.80\) for declaring a positive case and this threshold was determined by maximising the trade-off between sensitivity and specificity. Recall that sensitivity is the ratio \(TP/(TP+FN)\) and specificity is the ratio \(TN/(TN+FP)\). Amongst other things, I’d want to know:

  • in determining the operating threshold, were true positives and false negatives given equal weight ? For example, in the context of predicting a rare but serious event, a false negative can be orders-of-magnitude more ‘costly’ than the model correctly determining cases that are true positives or true negatives.

  • in the example above, \(F(x) = 0.79\) is 0.01 below the operating threshold for declaring a positive case – boundary cases near the operating threshold, demand closer inspection and at least, consideration of the uncertainty in the output of \(F\).

A more elaborate version of this discussion is here and summarised in a short paper.

So, the problem of ‘declaring’ a prediction can be cast as a problem in statistical decision theory. Being only vaguely familiar with similar ideas from signal detection models in psychophysics (Green and Swets 1966), I decided to deep-dive into the details of using posterior distributions to arrive at decisions via loss and risk functions. I found the ideas are fairly intuitive and are well described e.g. in (Duda, Hart, and Stork 2012) and (Bishop 2006). It was harder for me to operationalise these; for example, I frequently found explainations that the \(L_0\) “zero-one” loss function delivers the mode of a (posterior) distribution, but examples of this in action were harder to come by.

1 Predictions

As above, assume we have a model \(F(x)\) that delivers a continuous score \(Y\) for an outcome/case/event given some “input” measurement or feature(s), \(x\) for a patient. Importantly, the model delivers outputs in the form of posterior probabilities \(\pi(Y|x) = \Pr(Y=y|x)\); for example, the probability of being a positive case is \(\pi(Y=1|x)\) and \(\pi(Y=0|x) = 1 - \pi(Y=1|x)\) being the probability of a negative case.

So for any patient \(x\), we will have a posterior distribution – rather than a single point summary.

This is an important distinction: after inferring (learning) a model that delivers posterior probabilities, we can then deliberately design and implement a decision process – in contrast to solving the related problem of discrimination or classification, where we find a direct mapping from each input \(x\) to a discrete, often binary, output and sacrifice an estimate of uncertainty (see Ch. 1.5 of (Bishop 2006) for more detail).

We are used to seeing point estimates as outputs from predictive models given some input e.g. \(\pi( Y = 1 | x) = 0.78\) and sometimes, with a measure of uncertainty on that output (for example, the standard error on predicted values from predict.glm() in R).

This point value is a summary of the posterior distribution of \(Y\) (for example, the mean) and represents the output of a decision making process.

2 Setup

Assume that for some predictive model, we present a single patient \(x\) and we are able to access the posterior distribution of \(Y\) given \(x\) i.e. we can obtain samples from the posterior distribution for that patient denoted \(\pi(Y|x)\); for example:

# to ensure reproducible result
# simulate a bimodal posterior distribution $\pi(Y|x)$
samples <- range01( c(rnorm( 1000, mean = 0, sd = 1 ), rnorm( 1000, mean = 5, sd = 2) ) )
df <- data.frame( y = samples )
ggplot( df, aes( y ) ) +
  geom_density( fill = "#fa9fb5") + 
  ylab("Density\n") + 
  xlab("\nScore (Y)") + basictheme

We have 2000 samples from \(\pi(Y|x)\) stored as samples (usually, these samples will be from the posterior predictive distribution obtained by e.g. MCMC sampling):

round( samples[1:10], 3 )
##  [1] 0.291 0.130 0.271 0.295 0.294 0.373 0.261 0.232 0.177 0.313

and the following code will give us a data.frame that represents an approximation to the probability distribution function as a lookup table (basically, a histogram):

pdfFromSamples <- function(a, b, delta, samples) {
  H <- hist( samples, plot = FALSE, breaks = seq(a, b, by = delta) )
  ret <- data.frame(
    mids  = H$mids,
    freq  = H$counts
  ret$P <- ret$freq / sum(ret$freq)

For example, we can examine \(\pi(Y|x)\) in the region \(Y \in [0.5,0.6]\) with a bin-width of delta = 1/50 as follows:

pdf.Y <- pdfFromSamples(0, 1, delta = 1/50, samples )
knitr::kable( pdf.Y[ pdf.Y$mids >= 0.5 & pdf.Y$mids <= 0.6, ], 
              format = "html", 
              align = 'c', 
              full_width = FALSE,
              row.names = FALSE ) %>%
        kable_styling(position = "center")

With some abuse of notation, we can state that (approximately) \(\pi(Y=0.55|x) = 0.0285\) and \(\pi(Y=0.59|x) = 0.0240\).

3 Loss Functions

Consider the task of choosing a summary of the information contained in the posterior distribution \(\pi(Y|x)\) as a single (point) value. We can see that the score \(Y\) ranges from 0 to 1 and we could potentially pick any one of an infinite number of values as our chosen point summary (of course, some will be meaningful and others less so).

To make this concrete, we’ll cheat and look-ahead to the answer. One meaningful decision to summarise \(\pi(Y|x)\) is to choose the mode:

pdf.Y <- pdfFromSamples(0, 1, delta = 1/100, samples )

mode.pdf.Y <- pdf.Y$mids[ order( pdf.Y$freq, decreasing = TRUE) ][1]

pdf.plot <- ggplot( pdf.Y, aes( x = mids, y = P ) ) + 
  geom_col( fill = "#fa9fb5" ) + 
  xlab("Score (Y)") +
  ylab(TeX('$\\pi(Y|x)')) +

mode.plot <- pdf.plot + 
      geom_vline( xintercept = mode.pdf.Y, colour = "black", size = 2 ) +
      annotate( geom = "label", 
            label = paste0( "Mode = ", mode.pdf.Y ), 
            x = mode.pdf.Y, y = 0.01)

print( mode.plot )

Now assume we don’t have this information but instead, let \(a_{i}\) be one such candidate decision for the point summary. The actual point summary is \(y_{j} \in [0,1]\).

We define the cost of choosing \(a_{i}\) – where the true value is \(y_{j}\) – as the loss function \(L(a_{i},y_{j})\). Now, construct a loss function that penalizes any candidate \(a_{i}\) by a single unit if \(a_{i}\) is not equal to \(y_{j}\) (incorrect) and zero if \(a_i\) is equal to \(y_{j}\); this is the so-called “zero-one” loss function:

\[ L_{0}(a_{i},y_{j}) = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if}\ a_{i} = y_{j} \\ 1 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \]

Now, we propose an arbitrary candidate \(a_{1} = 0.555\) and we want to know the associated loss over the range of possible values of \(y_{j}\):

# the range of possible values $y_{j}$
y <- pdf.Y$mids
# our estimate $a_{i}$
a1 <- 0.555

# the L_{0} loss function:
loss0 <- function( y, a ) { ifelse( a == y, 0, 1 ) }

# the loss function evaluated over the range $y_{j}$
l0.ex <- data.frame( mids = pdf.Y$mids, loss.ex1 = loss0( y, a1 ) )

loss.plot <- ggplot( l0.ex, aes( x = l0.ex$mids, y = loss.ex1) ) +
  geom_line( colour = "#636363" ) +
  xlab(TeX('$y_{j}$')) +
  ylab(TeX('$L_{0}$')) +

print( loss.plot )

Let’s repeat the same process for two other (arbitrarily chosen) candidates \(a_{2} = 0.095\) and \(a_{3} = 0.755\):

a2 <- 0.095
a3 <- 0.755

# the loss function evaluated over the range $y_{j}$
l0.ex$loss.ex2 <- loss0( y, a2 )
l0.ex$loss.ex3 <- loss0( y, a3 )

loss.plot <- ggplot( l0.ex ) +
  geom_line( aes( x = mids, y = loss.ex1 ), colour = "#bdbdbd" ) +
    annotate( geom = "label", 
                label = TeX('$a_{1}$', output="character"),
                parse = TRUE,
                x = a1, y = 0.25) +
  geom_line( aes( x = mids, y = loss.ex2 ), colour = "#969696" ) +
    annotate( geom = "label", 
                label = TeX('$a_{2}$', output="character"),
                parse = TRUE,
                x = a2, y = 0.25) +
  geom_line( aes( x = mids, y = loss.ex3 ), colour = "#636363" ) +
    annotate( geom = "label", 
                label = TeX('$a_{3}$', output="character"),
                parse = TRUE,
                x = a3, y = 0.25) +
  xlab(TeX('$y_{j}$')) +
  ylab(TeX('$L_{0}$')) +

print( loss.plot )

Clearly using the loss function we get ‘spikes’ when our candidates coincide with a value in the range of \(y_{j}\).

But, what we care about is loss associated with a candidate with respect to the probability of each possible value \(Y=y_j\); so we weight the loss associated with each “decision” (each candidate \(a_{i}\)) by the posterior probability of \(Y = y_{j}\):

\[ L_0(a_{i},y_{j})\pi(y_{j}|x) \]

This leads us to consider the risk associated with each candidate. In essence, we want to know the loss associated with \(a_{i}\) when the true value is \(y_{j}\) weighted by how likely or how frequently we see \(y_{j}\).

4 Risk Functions

We could continue randomly choosing candidates but instead, we’ll be systematic and check all values of \(a_{i}\). At the same time, we’ll shift representation and instead of plotting the loss function for each candidate against the range of \(y_{j}\), we’ll compute a risk function for each candidate as the expected value of the loss function evaluated for each \(a_{i}\):

\[ \mathbb{E}[L_0(a_{i},y_{j})] = \sum_{j} \underbrace{L_{0}(a_{i},y_{j})}_\text{loss} \underbrace{\pi(y_{j}|x)}_\text{posterior} \]

Then, instead of \(y_{j}\) on the horizontal axis and \(L_{0}\) on the vertical, we instead show candidates \(a_{i}\) on the horizontal with the risk \(\mathbb{E}[L]\) on the vertical:

# all candidate values for $a_{i}$ 
a <- pdf.Y$mids
# the range of values for $y_{j}$
y <- pdf.Y$mids

pdf.Y$risk.L0 <- rep(NA, nrow(pdf.Y))

for( i in 1:length( a ) ) {
  # compute risk function at each candidate $a_{i}$
  # with reference to the above equation
  pdf.Y$risk.L0[i] <- sum(                     # sum over j
                        loss0(y, a[i]) *       # loss
                        pdf.Y$P                # posterior

risk.plot <- ggplot( pdf.Y ) +
  geom_line( aes( x = mids, y = risk.L0  ), colour = "#636363" ) +
  xlab(TeX('$a_{i}$')) +
  ylab(TeX('$E(L_{0})$')) +


5 Optimal Decision

Our question is now: what is the best action – or decision – over our candidates \(a_{i}\) to choose as the point summary given the loss function \(L_{0}\) and the posterior \(\pi(Y|x)\)?

The answer is, the \(a_{i}\) that minimises the risk (expected loss). Implementing this, we arrive at:

# find the $a_{i}$ that minimises the risk function
min.risk.L0 <- pdf.Y$mids[ which.min( pdf.Y$risk.L0 ) ]

risk.plot <- risk.plot + 
    geom_vline( xintercept = min.risk.L0, size = 2 ) +
      annotate( geom = "label", 
            label = paste0( "Minimum = ", min.risk.L0 ), 
            x = mode.pdf.Y, y = 0.99)
print( risk.plot )

Compare with the distribution of \(\pi(Y|x)\):

grid.arrange(risk.plot, mode.plot, nrow = 2, ncol = 1)

The result then, can be summarised as:

  • Under the zero-one loss function, \(L_0\), the action/decision \(a_{i}\) (point summary) which minimises the risk function (expected loss) is the mode of the posterior distribution \(\pi(Y|x)\)

6 Other Loss Functions

We can repeat the same process as for section 3 through 5 with different loss functions.

The linear loss \(L_{1}\) loss is defined as: \[ L_{1}(a_{i},y_{j}) = \begin{cases} c_{1} |a_{i} - y_{j}| & \text{ if } a_{i} \leq y_{j} \\ c_{2} |a_{i} - y_{j}| & \text{ if } a_{i} > y_{j} \\ \end{cases} \] Where \(c_{1}\) and \(c_{2}\) are constants. If \(c_{1} = c_{2}\) we arrive at the median of the posterior, as follows:

# the linear loss function
loss1 <- function( y, a, c1, c2 ) {
    a <= y, c1 * abs( a - y ),
            c2 * abs( a - y )

pdf.Y$risk.L1 <- rep(NA, nrow(pdf.Y))

# set constants equal
c1 <- c2 <- 1

for( i in 1:length( a ) ) {
  # compute risk function at each candidate $a_{i}$
  pdf.Y$risk.L1[i] <- sum( 
                        loss1(y, a[i], c1, c2) * 

# find the minimum
min.lossL <- pdf.Y$mids[ which.min( pdf.Y$risk.L1 ) ]

The minimum of the risk function is 0.355:

risk.plot <- ggplot( pdf.Y ) +
  geom_line( aes( x = mids, y = risk.L1  ), colour = "#636363" ) +
  xlab(TeX('$a_{i}$')) +
  ylab(TeX('$E(L_{1})$')) +
  geom_vline( xintercept = min.lossL, colour = "black", size = 2 ) +
    annotate( geom = "label", 
              label = paste0( "Minimum = ", round( min.lossL, 2) ), 
              x = min.lossL, y = 0.4) +

median.plot <- pdf.plot + 
      geom_vline( xintercept = median( samples ), colour = "black", size = 2 ) +
      annotate( geom = "label", 
            label = paste0( "Median = ", round( median(samples), 2 ) ), 
            x = median(samples), y = 0.01)

grid.arrange(risk.plot, median.plot, nrow = 2, ncol = 1)

More generally, for positive constants, the \(c_{1}/(c_{1}+c_{2})\) quantile of the posterior distribution can be found. For example, we can obtain the 25th and 75th percentiles:

pdf.Y$risk.L1_75 <- rep(NA, nrow(pdf.Y))
pdf.Y$risk.L1_25 <- rep(NA, nrow(pdf.Y))

# set constants
q95 <- 0.75
q05 <- 0.25
c1 <- 1
c2.q95 <- (c1/q95) - c1
c2.q05 <- (c1/q05) - c1

for( i in 1:length( a ) ) {
  # compute risk function at each candidate $a_{i}$
  pdf.Y$risk.L1_75[i] <- sum( 
                            loss1(y, a[i], c1, c2.q95) * 
  pdf.Y$risk.L1_25[i] <- sum( 
                            loss1(y, a[i], c1, c2.q05) * 

# find the minima
min.lossL_75 <- pdf.Y$mids[ which.min( pdf.Y$risk.L1_75 ) ]
min.lossL_25 <- pdf.Y$mids[ which.min( pdf.Y$risk.L1_25 ) ]

risk.plot <- ggplot( pdf.Y ) +
  geom_line( aes( x = mids, y = risk.L1_75  ), colour = "#1f78b4" ) +
  geom_line( aes( x = mids, y = risk.L1_25  ), colour = "#33a02c" ) +
  xlab(TeX('$a_{i}$')) +
  ylab(TeX('$E(L_{1})$')) +
  geom_vline( xintercept = min.lossL_75, colour = "#1f78b4", size = 2 ) +
    annotate( geom = "label", 
              label = paste0( "Minimum = ", round( min.lossL_75, 3) ), 
              x = min.lossL_75, y = 1.25) +
  geom_vline( xintercept = min.lossL_25, colour = "#33a02c", size = 2 ) +
    annotate( geom = "label", 
              label = paste0( "Minimum = ", round( min.lossL_25, 3) ), 
              x = min.lossL_25, y = 1.25) +

fun.q75 <- as.numeric( round( quantile(samples, probs = c(0.75)), 3 ) )
fun.q25 <- as.numeric( round( quantile(samples, probs = c(0.25)), 3 ) )

quantile.plot <- pdf.plot + 
      geom_vline( xintercept = fun.q75, colour = "#1f78b4", size = 2 ) +
        annotate( geom = "label", 
              label = paste0( "75th = ", fun.q75 ), 
              x = fun.q75, y = 0.01) +
      geom_vline( xintercept = fun.q25, colour = "#33a02c", size = 2 ) +
        annotate( geom = "label", 
              label = paste0( "25th = ", fun.q25 ), 
              x = fun.q25, y = 0.01)

grid.arrange(risk.plot, quantile.plot, nrow = 2, ncol = 1)

In the top panel of the figure above, the green and blue lines represents the risk using the linear loss function with constants configured to locate the 25th and 75th percentile respectively. The bottom panel shows the same result obtained directly from the quantile() function operating directly on the raw samples.

To complete the loss functions for common measures of central tendency, we have the \(L_{2}\) quadratic loss function:

\[ L_{2}(a_{i},y_{j}) = (a_{i} - y_{j})^2 \]

Here’s the result for quadratic loss:

# the quadratic loss function
loss2 <- function( y, a ) {
    (a - y)^2 

pdf.Y$risk.L2 <- rep(NA, nrow(pdf.Y))

for( i in 1:length( a ) ) {
  # compute risk function at each candidate $a_{i}$
  pdf.Y$risk.L2[i] <- sum( 
                        loss2(y, a[i]) * 

# find the minimum
min.lossL2 <- pdf.Y$mids[ which.min( pdf.Y$risk.L2 ) ]

risk.plot <- ggplot( pdf.Y ) +
  geom_line( aes( x = mids, y = risk.L2  ), colour = "#636363" ) +
  xlab(TeX('$a_{i}$')) +
  ylab(TeX('$E(L_{2})$')) +
  geom_vline( xintercept = min.lossL2, colour = "black", size = 2 ) +
    annotate( geom = "label", 
              label = paste0( "Minimum = ", round( min.lossL2,3) ), 
              x = min.lossL2, y = 0.25) +

mean.plot <- pdf.plot + 
      geom_vline( xintercept = mean( samples ), colour = "black", size = 2 ) +
        annotate( geom = "label", 
              label = paste0( "Mean = ", round( mean( samples ), 3 ) ), 
              x = mean(samples), y = 0.005)

grid.arrange(risk.plot, mean.plot, nrow = 2, ncol = 1)

The estimate from quantile() plotted on the bottom panel differs from the top panel (the mean estimated by minimising the risk function) due to the granularity (delta = 1/100) of the approximation of the distribution function used in the code.


Bishop, Christopher M. 2006. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. Springer.
Duda, Richard O, Peter E Hart, and David G Stork. 2012. Pattern Classification. John Wiley & Sons.
Green, David Marvin, and John A Swets. 1966. Signal Detection Theory and Psychophysics. Wiley New York.
Dan W Joyce
Dan W Joyce

I’m interested in how principles from computation can be used to understand things like clinical state, trajectories and how to augment clinical decision making using data, multivariate statistics and (cautiously) AI and ML.
