Alternatives to Percentage Change

The motivation for looking at this topic was primarily my naivety and getting counter-intuitive results when I was looking at serial measures of response to treatment. In particular, I wanted to use outcome measures based on published conventions in the literature for threshold response (the problems with this approach are a topic for another day). I found some pointers on Frank Harrell’s blog on the topic of percentages, which mirrored some of the discussion in Chapter 8 of (Senn 2008) which looks at assumptions of additvity in treatment effects.

Here’s the context in clinical trials in psychiatry: To define a clinically-meaningful outcome (e.g. to a treatment/intervention) the literature frequently uses percentage change from baseline – for example (Leucht et al. 2009; Munk-Jørgensen 2011) in the context of PANSS scores in psychosis. I’ll avoid the debate about why this may not be appropriate for statistical modelling (e.g. using change from baseline severity rather than using the baseline as a covariate in a statistical model).

To make this concrete, let A be the first measurement, and B the second (i.e. pre-treatment and post-treatment respectively, or baseline and endpoint). Leaving aside the correction to ensure minimum symptoms severity is 0, Leucht’s formula for percentage reduction from baseline PANSS is essentially:

$$ 100 \times \frac{A - B}{A} $$

To make the example concrete, one of the criteria for defining treatment resistance in schizophrenia (Howes et al. 2016) is: “less than 20% symptom reduction during a prospective trial” (of treatment) using Leucht et al’s formula (above). Re-wording this (to make it compatible with Leucht): failure of a treatment trial is that the percentage reduction from baseline is less than 20%.


The obvious reason for favouring percentage change from baseline is that improvement (or worsening) is relative the patient’s initial level of symptom severity. Assuming higher scores represents higher symptom burden, a patient moving from a baseline A = 97 to an endpoint B = 77 represents a 20% change for that patient. A patient starting from a more modest symptom burden, say A = 65, improving to B = 52 similarly represents a 20% improvement.

However, percentages are not symmetric – for example, if the first measurement is A = 97, and the second (post-treatment) improved score is B = 67 we have a percentage reduction of $$ 100 \times \frac{97-67}{97} \approx 31 \% $$

Switching this around, for another patient who gets worse by exactly the same absolute amount after treatment: A = 67 and B = 97, yields $$ 100 \times \frac{67-97}{67} \approx -45 \% $$

Notice that both the sign and magnitude of the change are different, but the absolute change in units is 30 in both cases.

The next problem – percentages are not additive; assume a 30% improvement from an initial score of A = 100 – the endpoint (post-treatment) would be B = 70:

$$ 100 \times \frac{100 - 70}{100} = 30\% $$

Now assume we follow the same patient from B to another time point, C, and they’ve gotten worse, returning to their baseline of 100: $$ 100 \times \frac{70 - 100}{70} \approx -42.9\% $$

On absolute scale units we have a series of measurements A = 100, B = 70 and C = 100, but we have seen a percentage change of 30% (A to B) followed by a percentage change of -42.9% (B to C) despite A = C. In other words, if we take the baseline A, add the change from A to B and the change from B to C, we should have zero net change from the baseline, A to the last measurement C:

$$ \begin{aligned} A + (A-B) + (B-C) &= 100 + (100 - 70) + (70 - 100) \\\
&= 100 + 30 - 30 \\\
&= 100 \end{aligned} $$ But if we use percentages, this is not the case; assuming that A represents 100% – the baseline level of symptom severity – and abusing notation, we let (A-B) stand for the percentage change from A to B, and similarly for (B-C): $$ \begin{aligned} A + (A-B) + (B-C) &= 100 + 30 - 42.9 \\\
&= 87.1\% \end{aligned} $$ Percentage change from baseline is intuitive because it allows for a familiar and uniform representation of change relative to the patient’s baseline, but it’s counter-intuitive because it is asymmetric and non-additive.

Here’s a graphical representation: let the baseline (A) and endpoint (B) values range from 0 to 100 respectively – the interactive graph below shows the behaviour of percentage change as both A and B vary:


The idea proposed in (Cole 2000), neatly illustrated in (T. J. Cole and Altman 2017b; T. J. Cole and Altman 2017a) is to exploit a property of natural logarithms where because $$ \ln(A)−\ln(B)=\ln(A/B) $$ the ratio A divided by B can be expressed as a sum, retaining additivity and symmetry, and it turns out, approximating a ‘percentage’ change. The proposed name for this measure is “sympercent” and (Cole 2000) gave it the symbol s% and the formula $$ 100 × [\ln(A)−\ln(B)] $$ Repeating the examples above; first of all A = 97, B = 67 which gave us a 31% (percent) improvement instead gives us the sympercent change:

$$ 100 × [\ln(97)−\ln(67)] ≈ 37 s\% $$

A different numerical value (37, versus 31). Note, however, that we gain symmetry – so with A = 67 and B = 97 (worsening symptoms from A to B):

$$ 100 × [\ln(67)−\ln(97)] ≈ −37 s\% $$

The magnitude is the same (37) but the sign changes to represent worsening, rather than improvement.

Repeating the additivity example; improvement from A = 100 to B = 70 but with subsequent worsening back to C = 100. We’ll drop the factor of 100 to simplify presentation: $$ \begin{aligned} \ln(A) + \big[ \ln(A)-\ln(B) \big] + \big[\ln(B)-\ln(C) \big] &= 4.61 + 0.36 - 0.36 \\\
&= 4.61 \end{aligned} $$

That is, a net change of zero from the baseline.

Switching to an alternative representation affords a more interpretable and intuitive measure of change that preserves the idea of change relative to the patient’s baseline.

Below, the behaviour of sympercent is shown over the range [0,100], analogous to the percent change shown above:

The Original Problem

Let’s apply the ‘sympercent’ idea for the problem originally introduced – a threshold of 20% improvement for symptoms.

To simplify presentation, we drop the factor 100 and instead, work in fractions of 1 (i.e. rather 20% we say 0.2 or 1/5). If we require at least a 20% reduction in symptom scores to qualify as a response, then we are saying:

$$ \begin{aligned} \frac{A-B}{A} &= 0.2 \\\
A-B &= 0.2 \times A \end{aligned} $$ i.e. the difference between symptom scores at time points A and B should be a fraction (0.2, or one-fifth) of the baseline A:

Reusing our first example, where A = 97: $$ \begin{aligned} 97-B = 0.2 \times 97 \end{aligned} $$ So, for symptoms to have improved by at least 20% from a baseline of A = 97, the symptom score at B should be 77.6 or lower.

What would this reduction look like in s% (sympercents)?

If A = 97, and we know a 20% reduction (or 0.2) would represent B = 77.6 then:

$$ 100 × [\ln(97)−\ln(77.6)] ≈ 22.3 s\% $$


Cole, Tim J, and Douglas G Altman. 2017a. “Statistics Notes: Percentage Differences, Symmetry, and Natural Logarithms.” BMJ 358. British Medical Journal Publishing Group: j3683.

———. 2017b. “Statistics Notes: What Is a Percentage Difference?” BMJ 358. British Medical Journal Publishing Group: j3663.

Cole, TJ. 2000. “Sympercents: Symmetric Percentage Differences on the 100 loge Scale Simplify the Presentation of Log Transformed Data.” Statistics in Medicine 19 (22). Wiley Online Library: 3109–25.

Howes, Oliver D, Rob McCutcheon, Ofer Agid, Andrea De Bartolomeis, Nico JM Van Beveren, Michael L Birnbaum, Michael AP Bloomfield, et al. 2016. “Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia: Treatment Response and Resistance in Psychosis (Trrip) Working Group Consensus Guidelines on Diagnosis and Terminology.” American Journal of Psychiatry 174 (3). Am Psychiatric Assoc: 216–29.

Leucht, S, JM Davis, RR Engel, W Kissling, and JM Kane. 2009. “Definitions of Response and Remission in Schizophrenia: Recommendations for Their Use and Their Presentation.” Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 119. Wiley Online Library: 7–14.

Munk-Jørgensen, Povl. 2011. “Corrigendum.” Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 124 (1): 82–82. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0447.2011.01720.x.

Senn, Stephen S. 2008. Statistical Issues in Drug Development. Vol. 69. John Wiley & Sons.

Dan W Joyce
Dan W Joyce

I’m interested in how principles from computation can be used to understand things like clinical state, trajectories and how to augment clinical decision making using data, multivariate statistics and (cautiously) AI and ML.